We are a free relationship resource - dedicated to answering your questions. We feature timely and proven video advice from today's top relationship experts.
If you are on the front lines of helping couples - as a counselor, a coach, a mentor, or member of the clergy - you are a Marriage Champion. You are supporting couples and we want to support you.
Each video is just 3 or 4 minutes - perfect for your fast-paced life. You want more? You got it. Once you watch a video, we’ll serve up another one you might find helpful.
Whatever questions you have around communication, conflict, in-laws, sex, parenting, anger, intimacy, trust, time, forgiveness … you name it. We’re providing real-life answers to real-life questions.
For sure. Just type your question into our “Ask the Expert” field to let us know what you’d like to see covered!
We want to have the best expert answer your question as soon as we can - and get it posted. Scheduling the best expert and getting the piece into production can take a bit of time. It’s variable, so we ask for your patience.
We are thankful for every question that gets submitted, and review them all. Though each specific question may not be answered in its own video, every question informs the content we make.
Never. Why? Because we're always adding new content. As long as you keep posing questions, our experts will keep answering them.
Nothing. Nada. Zip. Never. We aren’t charging a dime. Why? We are a mission-minded nonprofit effort, dedicated to helping you and others like you.
Nope. Loveology is completely free and you'll never be charged for access to this life-giving help. All of our experts are donating their time and expertise to help you.
As a nonprofit we run entirely on donations - both big and small. But we’ll never charge you for what we do. But if you’d like to donate, lots of couples will thank you.
Kind of you to ask. You can donate by filling out the “Partner with Us” donation form! We accept all major credit cards, and Apple Pay for your convenience.
As a not-for-profit, the volunteers and paid team of contractors at Loveology are as efficient and effective as possible with every dollar we receive from generous people like you. Our content experts are not paid. We are so grateful to them for donating their time and expertise.
Though Loveology does not charge for any service to users, we do rely on financial support to cover third party expenses that include things like:
Cloud Hosting
Video Production and Editing
Data Science
Project Management
SEO and Paid Advertising to reach people
Closed Captioning
Customer Service
In short, all money raised for Loveology is used to maintain and develop the functionality of the site and make this free resource available everywhere.
As long as Loveology has support for these expenses we will continue to provide the service.
Thank you for your interest. As always, we welcome your feedback and further questions.
So glad you asked. We have a special section - filled with practical strategies, tips and encouragement - especially for counselors, coaches and clergy. And, yes, it’s entirely free.
Yes. Loveology is a 501(c)3. So your donations are tax deductible.
Not really. Just the satisfaction of supporting the effort and providing this free service to countless couples and individuals who might never afford this kind of world-class service if it was a costly subscription program.